孟加拉水產飼料法上路孟加拉國會於近日通過,漁業與畜牧部部長於去年10月5日提出,有關禁止於水產飼料中添加抗生素(antibiotics)、生長激素個人信貸(growth hormones)、類固醇(steroid)與有害殺蟲劑(pesticides)等能提高水產飼料安全標準、保障人類健康的新法案。生產者與貿易商須嚴守政府依據找房子新法制訂之水產飼料品質標準。新法案明定,舉凡與水產飼料有關之生產、進口、流通與銷售行為需檢附漁業或畜牧主管機關核發之相關執照。(摘譯自小型辦公室INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 2/2010)STRICTER LAWS OVER FISH FARMING AND FEEDThe country’s parliament passed a bill recently prohibiting the 保濕面膜use of antibiotics, growth hormones, steroid andharmful pesticides in animal and fish feeds. The new bill, if turned into law, will 太平洋房屋guarantee safer standards for fishand animal feeds that will ultimately contribute to people’s health. Fisheries and Livestock Minister, 褐藻醣膠Mr. Abdul LatifBiswas proposed the bill on 5 October last year.According to the bill, the government will set quality standards of animal 面膜feed, which producers and traders mustfollow. The bill says all companies involved in the production, import, marketing and sale of fish 借款or animal feed willhave to obtain licence either from the office of the Director General of the Department of Fisheries or from 系統傢俱theDirector General of the Livestock department respectively.

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